To all Players, Referees, Leaders and volunteers that participated last Sunday!
Predators were visited by players from all these clubs, who joined forces to provide the kids the possibilities to play this cup!
Göteborgs Marvels, Jönköping Spartans, Borås Rhinos and Skövde Dukes as one team.
Ystad Rockets, Halmstad Eagles and Carlshamn Oakleaves in one team.
Limhamn Griffins
and our own Predators.

Predators summary
We had 19 kids playing today! Fantastic! A couple of them did their first games, and a couple did their secondd. This team had never played a cup together before, a few had the experience but not all of them.
We had to modify our game a little because of misunderstanding some rules, and there were also some changes to the schedule due to a team being delayed.
In our first game we enter against a Large and Strong looking Marvels - and we do it well!. Nerves and some bad luck got in the way of extrapoint attemts, a really good effort overall though! 🙂
The second game vs Limhamn goes back and forth. Here it becomes obvious that we have a mix of new players and also two new Coaches. We will improve the starts and player exchanges as we go. Good fight there! 💪

The third game we meet a Strong Ystad. Now we are feeling a bit worn and perhaps unfocused - but hey -we are U11-U13 PeeWee! 🙂 We do some fantastic plays and then we loose it completely sometimes, off and on in all positions.

Overview: A fine Sunday with very good September weather. Many happy kids! We make some mistakes, we learn, we improve and get it right, we are PROUD! 🏈💪🙂
So we have improvements to do both as players and coaches, and we can absolutely achieve that together!
Thank you!
Kristofer, Stefan och Mikael