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Snapphane Cup U11-U13, Sunday 28 Sep 2024

To all Players, Referees, Leaders and volunteers that participated last Sunday! a BIG THANK YOU 🙂.

Predators were visited by players from all these clubs, who joined forces to provide the kids the possibilities to play this cup!

  • Göteborgs Marvels, Jönköping Spartans, Borås Rhinos and Skövde Dukes as one team.

  • Ystad Rockets, Halmstad Eagles and Carlshamn Oakleaves in one team.

  • Limhamn Griffins

  • and our own Predators.

Predators summary

We had 19 kids playing today! Fantastic! A couple of them did their first games, and a couple did their secondd. This team had never played a cup together before, a few had the experience but not all of them.

We had to modify our game a little because of misunderstanding some rules, and there were also some changes to the schedule due to a team being delayed.

In our first game we enter against a Large and Strong looking Marvels - and we do it well!. Nerves and some bad luck got in the way of extrapoint attemts, a really good effort overall though! 🙂

The second game vs Limhamn goes back and forth. Here it becomes obvious that we have a mix of new players and also two new Coaches. We will improve the starts and player exchanges as we go. Good fight there! 💪

The third game we meet a Strong Ystad. Now we are feeling a bit worn and perhaps unfocused - but hey -we are U11-U13 PeeWee! 🙂 We do some fantastic plays and then we loose it completely sometimes, off and on in all positions.

Overview: A fine Sunday with very good September weather. Many happy kids! We make some mistakes, we learn, we improve and get it right, we are PROUD! 🏈💪🙂

So we have improvements to do both as players and coaches, and we can absolutely achieve that together! Thank you!

Kristofer, Stefan och Mikael

Kristianstad Predators AFF

Phone: 0708 - 65 58 88

Fields addresses:
Kristianstads IP, Konstgräsplan 2, Karlavägen
Kristianstads Fotbollsarena, Ringvägen 14,
291 54 Kristianstad

Postal and invoice address:

Lyckans väg 23, 291 43 Kristianstad

Bank giro: 5041-3020

Swish: 1236703805


Organization number: 802497-2062

Association number: 51746-63

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